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February 25th, 2010, 14:46 Posted By: wraggster
New research from AdMob shows Google has work to do if it wants Android to be as big a market for paid apps as iPhone.
The company's January Mobile Metrics report includes a survey of consumers, which finds that while 50% of iPhone users buy at least one paid app a month, only 21% of Android users do.
The survey also focused on overall downloads - free and paid. On average, iPhone and Android users download nine new apps a month, while Palm webOS users download six.
However, iPod touch users download an average of 12 apps a month, making the device top dog in this metric.
What's more, iPod touch owners use apps more, spending an average of 100 minutes a day using applications, compared to 87 minutes for webOS users, 80 minutes for Android users, and 79 minutes for iPhone users.
The iPod touch is clearly appealing to a younger audience, too. AdMob says 78% of iPod touch users are younger than 24, and that the average iPhone user is 14 years older than the average iPod touch user.
The survey also found that 73% of Android users are male, compared to 56% of iPhone OS users (including both the iPhone and iPod touch).
Another interesting finding from the report: 17% of AdMob's ad requests in January came from non-phone devices - up from 12% in July last year.
The company also asked people if they were interested in buying an iPad. 16% of iPhone users said they were, compared to 11% of webOS users and 6% of Android users - with the latter group equally interested in buying a Kindle.
The survey focused on 960 respondents, although one gap is that BlackBerry owners weren't canvassed, since AdMob doesn't serve ads into BlackBerry apps.
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February 25th, 2010, 14:44 Posted By: wraggster
Russians are to finally gets their hands on the iPhone 3GS through official channels, eight months after the device began rolling out elsewhere in the world.
Distorted-Loop reports that each of the three major operators have now struck deals with Apple to offer iPhone 3GS from next month.
Prices will remain uniform across the networks, with VimpleCom advertising the 16GB model on its website for Ru29,990 ($1,000).
According to the article, VimpleCom, MTS and MegaFon have been trying to renegotiate terms of their original iPhone deals for sometime, leading to the eight-month delay in 3GS availability.
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February 25th, 2010, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
A new adult option for iPhone apps disappeared almost immediately
The controversy around Apple's policies regarding sexual content in iPhone apps got a new twist yesterday, when it seemed as if the company was about to allow adult apps again.
Cult Of Mac reported that a new category had suddenly appeared in the iTunes Connect service used by developers to submit their apps to Apple - 'Explicit'.
However, no sooner had it appeared and been reported on, then the category disappeared.
Tech blog Gizmodo talked to an iPhone app developer who claimed to have asked Apple about the mystery category, and been told that "it's not going to happen anytime soon".
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February 25th, 2010, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
Zeemote has announced that its JS1 Bluetooth controller device has been accepted into Nokia's new Accessory Developer Program. That means the device - which started as a joystick for mobile games, but can now be used to control all aspects of smartphones - will be sold with a 'Works with Nokia' logo plastered on its packaging.
The company, which was recently acquired by Japanese firm Aplix Corporation, says it will be selling the standalone JS1 in Europe for €29,99.
"This is great news for mobile game fans who now have even more opportunity to purchase a Zeemote Controller and interact with their Nokia handset in an entirely new and fun way," says Zeemote's head of business development Jim Adams.
"By passing the Nokia accessory developer criteria under the Works with Nokia program we are one of a select group of accessories, which will be showcased internationally."
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February 24th, 2010, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Whether you love it or loathe it, there is now no way to deny the spectacular success of Apple's iTunes Store. The proprietary digital media player, organizer and salesperson has just now recorded its 10 billionth song download, marking a truly unique achievement in the still nascent world of digital distribution. Congratulations to Apple, whose response has been to thank you all for spending so much cash and making El Steve look like the techno pied piper. Hit the source link to find out what the most downloaded songs of "all time" were... you might not be surprised by the top three, but you should definitely be horrified.
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February 24th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Galen Gruman writes about the dark side of the recent flood of Android smartphones: versions run amok. 'That flood of options should be a good thing — but it's not. In fact, it's a self-destruction derby in action, as phones come out with different versions of the Android OS, with no clear upgrade strategy for either the operating system or the applications users have installed, and with inconsistent deployment of core features. In short, the Android platform is turning out not to be a platform at all, but merely a starting point for a universe of incompatible devices,' Gruman writes. 'This mess leaves developers and users in an unstable position, as each new Android device adds another variation and compatibility question.' In the end, Google's naive approach to open sourcing Android may in fact be precipitating this free-for-all — one that might ultimately turn off both end-users and developers alike."
As reader donberryman points out, you can even put Android onto some Windows Mobile phones, now.
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February 24th, 2010, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
US mobile games firm Factory Games has launched Valet Hustler, a game which aims to raise awareness about gay and lesbian marital rights.
The company is pitching the game (App Store link) as Tetris meets Diner Dash, offering 3D arcade puzzles around a virtual car valet business.
However, the two central characters - Ren and Akira - are both gay, with their sexuality central to the storyline as players progress through the game.
"We set out to not only create a game that is an absolute blast to play with incredible visuals and top notch audio, but we also wanted to make a social statement that gays and lesbians should have the same marital rights as heterosexuals," says CEO Andrew Littlefield.
A portion of the revenues from the 99-cent game will be donated to the Human Rights Campaign.
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February 24th, 2010, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Apple has made the decision to ban thousands of apps containing adult content from the App Store, prompting fury from developers who say the company is ruining livelihoods and exercising double standards.
The BBC reports that thousands of apps with adult-themed content have been removed from the store since Friday - a move that, according to Apple, came about as a result of complaints from parents.
"It came to the point where we were getting customer complaints from women who found the content getting too degrading and objectionable, as well as parents who were upset with what their kids were able to see," Philip Schiller, head of worldwide product marketing at Apple, told The New York Times.
He added that a small number of developers had been submitting "an increasing number of apps containing very objectionable content" over the last few weeks.
According to iPhone developer ChilliFresh though, which has seen its app Wobble removed from the Store, Apple needs to be clearer on what it will and won't permit.
"On Friday evening we got an e-mail out of the blue which basically said, thanks very much but we don't want you any more. Apple said it was removing all overtly sexual apps," developer Jon Atherton told the BBC.
He said the company had gone from making £320 a day from its apps to £5 since the ban and called on Apple to publish its new guidelines so that developers were clear on the content they could and could not use.
"My view is that this is a knee-jerk reaction. Apple is very controlling. These apps are getting popular but the App Store doesn't have an adult section.
"I'd have thought there was a technological way of fixing the problem rather than pulling the rug out from under people's feet," he added.
Atherton also questions Apple's logic in deciding what to remove from the store. While many of the apps deemed likely to cause offence have been removed, some - such as those from Playboy and Sports Illustrated - are still there.
"The difference is this is a well-known company with previously published material available broadly in a well-accepted format," explained Schiller.
However, Atherton said his explanation was "wrong on so many levels."
"What makes it worse is that a LOT of people now think that the store is a safe place for their kids to go to without supervision – it just isn't because Apple have applied their guidelines unevenly."
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February 24th, 2010, 18:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
I like the idea of this titanium iPhone body replacement, and that's why it's too bad is just a nice hyper-realistic 3D render. The fact is that, despite what the student who made it claims, it's not real.
First, the making of a custom, very intricate titanium part like this is a complicated and expensive process, one that would require ultra-precise CAD work and manufacturing. For CNC you will need a very high resolution machine, and molding is not available to anyone. Only someone at an aerospace company, a high end prototyping shop, or a factory would be able to pull this. That's why you don't see custom iPhone bodies in the market—I want them, please—unless they are Chinese mass produced plastics.
But the most important thing is the fact that there is not such a thing as a "special titanium alloy that is RF transparent." Titanium makes radio signal reception and emission very difficult. It's a radio insulating material, which is why the Titanium PowerBook G4 had such a crappy Wi-Fi reception. Sadly, the alleged alloy simply doesn't exist. And if it does, you would only find it at Boeing or Lockheed Martin's secret development facilities. Or Area 51.
If he discovered it, I suggest he patents the hell out of it and sell it to the military. They would love it. There's the issue of having the mute button in the wrong direction too, but it's ok. If you can create objects from nonobtamium, you can rearrange the circuitry inside the machine too.
More images at Gizmodo
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February 24th, 2010, 17:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom plans to charge $10 for Street Fighter IV on iPhone next month - a figure that translates to around £5.99 here.
The price was revealed by GamePro along with confirmation that on iPhone there will be only eight Street Fighter IV characters to play as: Ken, Guile, Blanka, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, M.Bison, Abel and of course Ryu.
Street Fighter IV works on iPhone by displaying a directional pad on the left of the touch-screen and face buttons on the right. This appears to work very well, if a videoed demonstration can be trusted. Which it probably can't. The console-like presentation alone is worth a look.
There's no specific date locked down, but we'll let you know when one is.
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February 21st, 2010, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
I'm a full-time Flash developer and I'd love to get paid to make Flash sites for the iPad. I want that to make sense — but it doesn't. Flash on the iPad will not (and should not) happen — and the main reason, as I see it, is one that never gets talked about: current Flash sites could never be made to work well on any touchscreen device, and this cannot be solved by Apple, Adobe, or magical new hardware. That's not because of slow mobile performance, battery drain or crashes. It's because of the hover or mouseover problem. ... All that Apple and Adobe could ever do is make current Flash content visible. It would be seen, but very often would not work.
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February 20th, 2010, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
The Polish website Moje Jabluszko ran an experiment that proves the poor reliability of the liquid contact indicators (original, in Polish) installed by Apple in the iPhone. They performed three different tests to challenge the LCIs, which they recorded as a movie. They decided to mimic regular usage of the iPhone — meaning, you go outside where it could be cold or warm, then move inside in a building where temperature might be dramatically different, but still within covered conditions. So, they placed the iPhone in its box for one hour outside at -11 C, then moved it inside at room temperature for 24 hours. They repeated the experiment 3 times, and after the third cycle they could show that the LCI located in the audio jack plug started turning red! This is a clear proof that LCIs are not reliable and could turn red while the iPhone has been used under the defined environmental requirements defined by Apple. Here, only the condensing water could have been in contact with the sensor. In other words, even moving in and out during regular winter time will make you iPhone LCI turn red!"
(In the tech specs for the iPhone, Apple rates the non-operating temperature range as -20 to 45 C.)
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February 20th, 2010, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
We'd already heard that Apple hoped to bring at least some TV shows down to the 99-cent mark on iTunes in time for the iPad launch, and it looks like CBS is now the first to officially come on board. While a final deal apparently isn't done just yet, CBS CEO Leslie Moonves has flatly told the Financial Times that there "are certain shows that will be sold on Apple for 99 cents" -- not exactly much wiggle room there. Other networks aren't speaking on the record just yet, but the Financial Times has previously reported that some have already agreed to similar terms, and are expected to start selling shows at the lower price -- possibly coinciding with the iPad launch.
Update: Peter Kafka at All Things Digital has some more info on this -- sources tell him Moonves was speaking off the cuff, and while CBS is open to a deal with Apple, there's nothing in place quite yet. Unfortunately, no one's going on the record here, so the situation remains hazy -- we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
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February 20th, 2010, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
PC World reports that Google has acquired a popular iPhone application called reMail that provides 'lightning fast' full-text search of your Gmail and IMAP e-mail accounts. The app downloads copies of all your e-mail which can then be searched with various Boolean options. reMail has only been in the application store for about six months — with a free version limited to one Gmail account and a premium version which can connect to multiple accounts. 'Google and reMail have decided to discontinue reMail's iPhone application, and we have removed it from the App Store,' writes company founder Gabor Cselle, who will be returning to Google as a Product Manager on the Gmail team. Google isn't saying what the fate of reMail might be. Some are suggesting reMail could be integrated into Gmail search or live on in some form as a part of Android, Google's mobile platform. Another possibility is that Google may have snapped up reMail just to kill it, not because reMail was a competitor to anything Google had, but because reMail made the iPhone better or the acquisition may have more to do with keeping good search technology away from the competition, as opposed to an attempt to undercut the iPhone. 'Perhaps Google is just planning to buy up all the iPhone developers, one at a time, until Android is the only game in town,' writes Bill Ray at the Register.
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February 20th, 2010, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
How good — or bad — are fake iPhones? PC Pro blogger Steve Cassidy has a friend who paid £25 ($40) for an 'iPhone' in a bar, and he's got the photos and full lowdown of what's inside this not-so smartphone. The phone looks convincing enough from the outside, with a genuine-looking backplate, but things start to go wrong when you switch it on. What's a "Java" and "WLAN" App button doing on the screen? And how about that Internet Explorer icon? It's like you're handling an artefact from an alternate history, dropped in via a spacetime wormhole. It has dual SIM handling, too, and came with a bizarre auxiliary battery festooned with warnings about not pressing a button mounted on the front of the top-up device.
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February 19th, 2010, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
The guys at 9to5Mac have put together a profile you can install on your iPhone using a corporate development kit that gives you an alphanumeric passcode lock—versus the standard 4-digit PIN-style lock.
The settings profile's easily removed if you don't like it, but make sure you don't lock yourself out of your phone by forgetting the passcode. Also, it's entirely at your own risk, you know, in case it does blow up your phone forever.
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February 18th, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
According to Steve Jobs, running Flash video on the iPad would cut its battery life from 10 hours to a measly 1.5. At least, that was his pitch to Wall Street Journal execs recently. But could it possibly be true?
Well, yes and no. Jobs is picking and choosing here between hypothetical versions of Flash. If the iPad version of Flash were to have hardware acceleration, which Flash 10.1 offered up for desktops (though not OS X), that wouldn't be remotely the case. If Flash on the iPad were to support hardware video decoding where available, it wouldn't require nearly as much CPU. You'd lose battery life, sure, the same way you lose battery life watching any type of video on any system, but nothing near as dramatic as 85%.
Of course, that hardware acceleration isn't currently possible on Macs, because Adobe doesn't have access to the appropriate APIs. So Jobs can easily on a imaginary version of Flash that doesn't have hardware acceleration and come up with an imaginary battery life impact.
Jobs's bigger fib might be his description of ditching Flash as "trivial." It's not. While HTML5 is good, it's not great—yet. And even when it becomes great, it'll take major sites years to make the switch—however long it takes for the majority of internet users to stop using outmoded browsers. And that won't be for a very long time. Certainly longer than the first few generations of the iPad.
So. Would Flash make the iPad's battery life only 1.5 hours? Maybe, maybe not. But the bigger question is: will we ever get the chance to find out for ourselves?
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