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February 10th, 2018, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Android game to feast your eyes on:
The Incredible Platformer is a fresh Android game from the Austrian developers at Impossibru. In this combination of physics machine puzzlers and traditional platformers, use the provided items to guide your player(s) safely from start to exit. This game is free, has no ingame advertising and you don’t have any ingame purchases as well and the Android version does not ask for any kind of permissions. It’s a totally 100% free game!
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February 8th, 2018, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
The emulators for Android onslaught continues, heres a new version of the Spectrum Emulator for Android:
This week's Speccy 4.6.2 release for Android can be found on Google Play. The new release adds the remaining replay time display. I have also fixed several bugs in the replay mechanism. The Settings activity now uses the same dark/light textured backgrounds as the rest of the app. See below for all the changes.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
- Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
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February 8th, 2018, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Are you a gameboy fan, well heres a new release of the Gameboy emulator for the Android, heres the release notes:
I am releasing VGB 5.3.4 for Android this morning, a new version of my GameBoy Color, GameBoy Classic, and Super GameBoy emulator. This release adds the remaining time display during replay and fixes a bunch of replay bugs found while adding the display. I have also switched Settings to Material Design theme and added dark/light textured backgrounds, same as in the rest of the app. For the next few days, VGB is on $1.99 sale at Google Play. See below for all the changes.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
- Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
- Stopping replay when emulation reset or state loaded.
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February 8th, 2018, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Its an awesome night to be an android device owner, heres yet another release, heres the release notes:
fMSX 5.2.2 for Android adds the remaining time display during replay and fixes a few replay bugs. The Settings activity now uses the same textured backgrounds as the rest of the app, depending on the dark/light UI setting. Finally, instead of the device-specific theme, I am now using Material Design theme for the Settings. See below for all the changes.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
- Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
- Fixed native crash when saving state.
- Fixed several other possible sources of native crashes.
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February 8th, 2018, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Nes Emulator for the Android OS, heres whats new:
I have pushed iNES 5.1.3 for Android, a new version of my Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Famicom emulator, to the Google Play. This release adds the remaining time display during replay and makes Settings use the same textured backgrounds as the rest of the app. I have also switched Settings to the Material Design theme and fixed a bunch of replay issues found when adding time display. See below for all the changes.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
- Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
- Stopping replay when emulation reset or state loaded.
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February 8th, 2018, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new colecovision emulator for android, here the release details:
ColEm 4.2.4 for Android, a new version of my ColecoVision emulator, has been released yesterday. The new release improves the replay feature, by adding remaining time display and fixing bugs. I have also made Settings use textured backgrounds, like the rest of the app, since users asked for it. See below for all the changes.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
- Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
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January 28th, 2018, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Its nice to see retro consoles getting love in these days of high end graphics, heres a new release of the Spectrum Emulator for Android:
Speccy is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer emulator, but also emulates a Sam Coupe. It will run software written for Spectrum 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +2A, +3, Timex Sinclair, Pentagon, and Skorpion home computers.
Changes:* Fixed PSG sound rendering in Nigel Mansell’s GP, etc.
* Fixed running files from the WoS browser.
* Fixed native crash when saving state.
* Fixed several other possible source of native crashes.
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing “file://” URI via desktop icon.
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January 28th, 2018, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Another new game released for the Android OS, heres the details:
Mbrane is a game of stunning simplicity and elegant complexity. Harnessing the power of Sudoku, Mbrane transforms the puzzle into a multiplayer, deterministic strategy game of pure skill. In the same class as games like Chess, Go & Othello, Mbrane takes strategy to a new level. Gameplay combines the excitement of Risk with the purity of Chess in a classic contest of power & influence.
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January 28th, 2018, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new game released for the Android OS:
Antiyoy is an Android game by Yiotro. It’s a turn-based strategy with simple rules.
Changes:– Added diplomacy (disabled by default, to turn on go to ‘skirmish – more’)
– Added fog of war (disabled by default, to turn on go to ‘skirmish – more’)
– Added music (thanks Derek Bryant)
– New campaign levels
– You can now choose your color in editor
– Bug fixes
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January 24th, 2018, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an updated version of Ghost Hitch for the Android:
Ghost Hitch is an Android game by PlayHouse Games.
The Ghost Squad needs your help to rescue all the baby ghosts that were kidnapped by evil toys. Guide Norman and his friends through levels full of puzzles and quests to solve. Rescue the baby ghosts, avoid dangerous obstacles and enemies, collect stars, unlock new characters and defeat the bosses!
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January 24th, 2018, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Colecovision Emulator for the Android OS, heres the release notes:
Marat Fayzullin updated his Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices.
Changes:* Fixed native crash when saving state.
* Fixed several other possible sources of native crashes.
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing “file://” URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed high frequency PSG noise (dynamite sounds in HERO).
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
* Any virtual (android-16) and disabled (android-27) devices are ignored.
* Switched to the latest android-27 SDK.
* Now using Android build tools version 27.0.2.
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January 24th, 2018, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
The Android OS is home to a lot of Emulator Ports and heres yet another, this time for the MSX System:
fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.
Changes:* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing “file://” URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.
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January 23rd, 2018, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new android game released, heres the details:
Sindibad is a new platform puzzle game by Oasis Pixel. Help Sindibad to solve his financial situation. Luckily you just found a dungeon with treasures, but to open the chest you need all keys. While collecting the keys make sure you don’t die. Sounds easy, as usual, but can be very tricky at times.
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January 14th, 2018, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Some good news for IOS fans, which means those of you with Apple iPhone, Apple iPad and more, heres the news:
g0blin is a jailbreak for Apple A7-A9 devices running iOS 10.3.x. The jailbreak uses the v0rtex exploit (found by S1guza, who also brought us Phoenix for iOS 9.3.5) and the yalu102 KPP bypass. This means that the jailbreak is not KPPLess (like Meridian/async_wake hacks for iOS 11) so lets Cydia and Cydia Substrate work without any extra work in their current form.
In other words, this is a full jailbreak (like that for iOS 10.2.1 and below) since you can use your precious Cydia and Cydia Substrate to install and use all your favourite tweaks, hacks and applications!
The devices supported are the following:
- Firstly, they must be running iOS 10.3.x
- iPad Air/Air 2/Pro 9.7/Pro 12.9 (1st gen)
- iPad Mini 2-4
- iPhone 5S/SE/6(+)/6S(+)
- iPod Touch 6th generation
- For those who have an iPhone 7 or an iPad Pro 2nd gen (both 10.5″ and 12.9″ models), you’re out of luck. You’ll have to wait for Cydia and Cydia Substrate to be released so that Meridian (iOS 10.3.x) could become a full jailbreak!
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January 4th, 2018, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Ian Beer, a Google security expert that works for Project Zero, the iOS jailbreak scene was given a new lease of life since his exploit worked on all devices running iOS 11 (up to 11.1.2).
Houdini on iOS 11 allows you do the following:
- Change icon shapes.
- System-wide ad blocking since Apple only allows Content Blockers to work in Safari!
- Change emoji fonts (do note that only you will be able to see the custom emojis as the receiving end will receive normal emojis)
- Change the boot logo.
- Add your face to Animojis – iPhone X only (quite obvious, eh?)
- More features such as removing icon labels!
The g0blin jailbreak is almost ready since both Cydia and Cydia Substrate work and only a small issue with entitlement (permissions) for root apps needs to be sorted out before a release can be made available for the public!
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January 1st, 2018, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
New version of the Sega Master System emulator for Android, heres the release news:
Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator for Android has been updated. Changes:
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing "file://" URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
* Switched to the latest android-27 SDK.
* Now using Android build tools version 27.0.2.
* Fixed gamepad on Nvidia ShieldTV and other AndroidTV devices.
* Any input devices named as "virtual-*" are now ignored.
* Any virtual (android-16) and disabled (android-27) devices are ignored.
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January 1st, 2018, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of a gameboy emulator for MACos, heres the release news:
SameBoy is a user friendly Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for macOS. SameBoy is extremely accurate and includes a wide range of powerful debugging features, making it ideal for both casual players and developers. In addition to accuracy and developer capabilities, SameBoy has all the features one would expect from an emulator – from save states to scaling filters. An SDL version is also available to Windows and Unix-like systems.
This version is not compatible with save states of older versions.
New/Improved Features
The CGB boot ROM will now wait until the user finishes choosing a palette
More user friendly, settings are now more accessible
Added configurable controls
Added scaling filters (requires OpenGL 3.2 support)
Added frame blending (requires OpenGL 3.2 support)
Added joypad support to both the Cocoa and SDL ports
Accuracy Improvements/Fixes
More accurate PPU timings
The first frame after turning the LCD on is now skipped, as in hardware (Fixed Pokémon Pinball visual glitch)
Accurate emulation of VRAM and OAM blocking
More accurate emulation of MBC1
Improved serial cable timing emulation
Complete rewrite of the APU emulation (Fixed audio on several games)
APU emulation is now sample-accurate in almost all case
Audio is now rendered at 2MHz (like real hardware), downsampled to 96KHz (or 44.1 on Windows)
Passes all of Blagg’s APU tests, as well as most of SameBoy’s (yet-to-be-released) APU tests
Added 3 modes of high-pass filtering (Disabled, Emulate Hardware, and Preserve Waveforms)
Fixed KEY1 being writable on a CGB in DMG mode
Refined window behavior (Fixed visual glitches in Pokémon G/S/C)
SCY latching is now correctly emulated
Refined SCX’s effects on PPU timings
Correctly emulate differences in interrupt timing when the CPU is in halt mode
More accurate emulation of interrupt servicing. (Fixed Pinball Deluxe)
Fixed OAM interrupt timing (Fixed Pinball Deluxe when emulating a DMG)
Added 4 modes of color correction (Disabled, Correct Curves, Emulate Hardware and Preserve Brightness)
Fixed EI behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed backtrace command in the debugger (first item did not appear correctly)
Fixed a bug that prevented saving games after resetting the emulator
Fixed several memory leaks
Fixed a bug that caused black screens after loading a save state when emulating a DMG
Fixed potential crashes when viewing OAMs in the VRAM viewer
Misc Internal Changes
API improvements
It is now possible to specify a boot ROM for the automatic tester
The Libretro core is now merged into the main branch |
For macOS
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